Woman Within Circle Training

Women for Africa in association with Woman Within is thrilled to be offering our Online Circle Training starting this September!

If you have done your Women Within® Weekend and you would like to continue your work in a circle of women, this 8-week online training will equip you with the skills and support you need as part of our community.

Become part of a community of women supporting each other on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Take your place in a circle of women which assumes accountability, gives and receives encouragement, guidance and support so that each woman feels empowered within the group to reach her own potential as a whole woman.

Learn the skills needed to create a loving and safe environment for women to be supportive of each other in their journeys for growth and self-enlightenment, and thus become empowered by their own sense of meaning and purpose.

Is there a voice saying... I’m worried that online circles won’t be the same? It is understandable that women might feel concerned that working in circle online will not be the same as in person. Below are experiences shared by women who have completed their online circle training:

“I was worried it would be really impersonal and a little hollow, as that is how I tend to feel in online meetings in general. I was so pleasantly surprised and actually quite moved by how intimate the guides were able to make the space, and how that intimacy flowed so naturally between me and the women in circle, even after the training had ended.” Nicky

"During the pandemic, I have taken the opportunity to do many online workshops and trainings. These have been some of most powerful experiences I have had as there seems to be a deep desire for connection and getting real quickly! I have met people I would have never have had the opportunity to met before if it was in person and for that I feel my experience was so much richer and I got exactly what I needed" - Louise

“I am not able bodied and am very isolated. Having the opportunity to be part of online open circles and online circle training, has literally saved my life! Thank you to those who make these safe spaces accessible and inclusive of everyone" - Kavi

"I have to admit that I was skeptical when we started translating the in-person programs into online. “It won’t be the same” was my judgement and I was right. But I was right in the wrong way – it is not the same. How can it be? In some ways it is so much better and in others the different way of doing things online has created a whole new world of possibilities. If I’m asked by a dubious doubter if online could possibly be as powerful in IRL (In Real Life) women’s work, my response is always the same:- try it – you’ll be amazed. I’ve had 100% positive hit rate thus far." - Ingrid






R600 for the full 8-week course, which includes an electronic manual.

Please contact Nicola circletraining@wfa.org.za if you require financial assistance, the link to her email is below.

We only have space for 12 participants, so don't miss out and sign up now!